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In order to participate in the football program you must have an approved athletic packet.
You MUST be enrolled at Plant High School prior to completing clearance paperwork.
Ideally the physical used should be dated after May 15, 2024 so that it is valid for both the Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 football seasons. If it is dated prior to this, it can still be used, but be aware that a new physical will need to be done prior to the original expiring so that participation during the '24-'25 school year is not affected. Physicals are valid for 365 days. Please review the required EL2 information.


Eligibility Requirements for Extracurricular Participation


High School Eligibility

  • All students will be required to complete, submit, and receive verification of clearance prior to being allowed to participate in athletics at any Hillsborough County Public School. This includes participation in conditioning, tryouts, practice, contests and approved off-season activities. 

  • In order to successfully complete this process, read all the instructions before starting the registration process and be sure to have all required documents scanned in order to be uploaded when prompted. 


1. EL2/Physical: must include doctor’s stamp, signature and date on page 2. Download here!

2. Insurance ID card of mandatory school Insurance.  Purchase here!

School insurance is mandatory and must be purchased online.  Enrollment process: 

  • Enter your login information or click on “first time visitor” on the home page and follow the prompts. 

  • Select Hillsborough County, Select High School, Select Group A: Football

  • Download/print and/or Save your insurance ID card provided after purchase.

3. Birth Certificate (all students must upload) 

4. Two Proofs of Residence. MUST be “living proof”, MUST be within 30 days of application, address MUST match address on government issued ID and address on file at school. Examples of acceptable proofs of residence: TECO / Water Bill / Lease (with occupants listed)/ Mortgage Statement. Not Accepted: Cable Bill / Phone Bill / Credit Card Bill.

Scan each proof as ONE document. 

5. Government issued photo identification of parent or legal guardian completing signing the registration (this is in addition to the current proof of residence). Government issued photo identification must include address on identification. ADDRESS MUST MATCH ADDRESS ON FILE AND PROOF OF RESIDENCE FOR ATHLETIC CLEARANCE. Passports are not accepted. 

6. Certificates for the three required FHSAA videos (in student’s name) from These courses, presented by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) are free but does require an email log-in. Each course provides a completion certificate which must be submitted with all other required paperwork. Scan certification certificates separately because each will need to be uploaded individually. Videos must be completed after May 15, 2024 to be accepted for the following school year. Video links below:

Concussion in Sports for Students

Heat Illness Prevention

Sudden Cardiac Arrest

7. Plant High School 24-25 Enrollment and Residential History form.  Download here! 


The application for athletic participation can only be submitted electronically and can be found on the Athletic Clearance website:


If you have ever had an account, log in. If you have forgotten your info, DO NOT create a new account. Use the reset or HELP options.


If you have never logged in click "Create an Account"
The parent must create the account using THEIR email, not the student’s.

The parent or legal guardian must register the student-athlete and use the parent’s or legal guardian’s email address. The student-athlete will be required to sign all portions, as well as the parent or legal guardian.


Registering Your Student-Athlete 

Click “Start Clearance Here”

Drop down menu for year: 

Select 2024-2025 

Drop down menu for school: 

Select Plant High School 

Drop down menu for sport: 

Select Football (11 man).  Then add additional sport(s) by selecting Add New Sport for each. If you get a pop up message saying "also select spring football", ignore it and click through.

Click “Next”


Step 1: Student Information 

If you are an existing student select your name from the drop down.

If you are a new student start entering your information, click save and continue

Complete/Update all fields of information. 

Click “Save and Continue” 


Step 2: Parent/Legal Guardian Information 

Fill in the boxes and make sure all information is complete and accurate. 

NCSA College Recruiting Advertisement - Please do not feel obligated to click yes. If you select yes, you will be contacted by an agency sales representative. Your coach and/or school support staff at your school will be able to assist with the college recruiting process. 


Step 3: Medical History 

Complete the questionnaire. This will create the student-athlete’s medical release card. 

Click “Save and Continue” 


Step 4: Program 

Select the Insurance Group purchased based on the amount paid and the sport of participation. For multiple sport athletes, select the group of the sport with the highest amount paid. 

Click “Save and Continue” 


Step 5: Signatures 

Read each statement and type first and last name for student and/or parent/legal guardian in the signature box. Be sure to use exact name used in the Student Information and Parent/Guardian Information steps. NOTE: IF STUDENT HAS THE SAME NAME AS PARENT SIGNING THE FORMS, DIFFERENTIATION MUST BE MADE. FOR EXAMPLE: JOHN DOE AND JOHN DOE JR. OR JOHN C. DOE AND JOHN S. DOE

Click “Save and Continue” 


Step 6: Files/Uploads Section

Documents are to be scanned and uploaded per required section.

A. EL2 – Pre-participation Physical 

Physical must be stamped, signed and dated by the appropriate medical personnel to be valid. Upload to the box that says: Upload EL2/Physical 

B. Birth Certificate - **All student-athletes must submit a birth certificate** 

C. Proofs of Residence - Upload the two (2) Proofs of Residence

D. FHSAA Required Course Video Certificates - Upload the required certifications individually as a PDF. Certificates must be in student’s name and dated after May 15, 2024. Required videos: 1. Concussion in Sports for Students, 2. Sudden Cardiac Arrest, 3. Heat Illness Prevention.

E. Proof of Insurance - Upload mandatory school insurance card that can be printed after enrolling student-athlete at: 

F. Government Issued Photo ID - Upload Government issued photo ID of parent or legal guardian completing the registration. Address on photo ID must match address of the required proof of residence. Government issued photo ID is not considered the required proof of residence. Passports are not accepted. 

G. 24-25 Enrollment and Residential History form - Upload completed 24-25 Plant High School Enrollment and Residential History form. 


Click “Save and Continue”

When Am I Cleared?

  • Once the Assistant Principal for Administration (APA) has reviewed your application, you will receive an email stating you are approved to participate or denied* to participate in athletics. 

  • *If you are denied participation, you will need to correct the outstanding items indicated and then resubmit your application to be reviewed again.

  • Prior to receiving a clearance email, the student-athlete may not begin participation. Providing the clearance email to your coach can assist with the student-athlete being allowed to begin participating. 

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